Welcome to Repossessed Cars

Get to know us

UBIX Repossessed cars, LLC, is an online cars service that offers access to hundreds of cars all over the United States. UBIX Repossessed cars, LLC, is your one-stop cars destination; find cars for sale, and get your cars delivered to your door.

We offer you the opportunity to get some great deals on some great cars. Several major banks, finance houses, and leasing companies contract us as their agents to dispose of end-of-lease and repossessed cars, among other assets. Not only that, but we are open to a variety of sellers: banks, government agencies, and rental cars companies. UBIX Repossessed cars, LLC, a single auction site that gathers a wide range of sellers, is an excellent place to start your search for your ideal cars. Much of the cars we auction is prior cars rental, off-lease used cars, repossessed used cars, government used cars, fleet lease cars, and bank cars. To ensure you buy quality used cars, we inspect, detail, and sanitize every single piece of cars and all other assets.

6-Month Limited Warranty

Affordable prices

14-Day reject or refund policy

Complimentary delivery within a 1,000-mile

Over 20 Years experience

Our platform is a dynamic fusion of curated collections, spirited bidding, and unbeatable excitement.

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Our Services

Get some great deals on some great cars!


All assets are insured during transportation to provide you with peace of mind and protection throughout the delivery process.


We are committed to ensuring your satisfaction with your purchase from UBIX Repossessed cars, LLC. That’s why we offer a 6-Month Limited Warranty/10,000 miles and a 14-Day reject or refund policy for all assets sold on our platform, starting from the time you take possession.


The warranty and peace of mind provided by UBIX Repossessed cars, LLC offer coverage for your new vehicle through our 6-Month Limited Warranty/10,000 miles (from the time you take possession) and a 14-Day reject or refund policy.


Paying for All Assets